Chakra 1: Muladhara – The Root of Existence
Welcome to the first level of our Leela journey—Muladhara, the Root Chakra. Representing the foundation of life, Muladhara anchors us in physical existence and survival. It is here, at the base of the spine, that our spiritual journey begins.
What is Muladhara?
In Sanskrit, Muladhara means "root support." This chakra symbolizes stability, grounding, security, and our basic human instincts. The primary element of Muladhara is Earth, emphasizing solidity, support, and connection to the physical world.
In the context of Leela, Muladhara encompasses the first row (squares 1–9), where players face the fundamental human states, instincts, and challenges: birth, illusion, anger, greed, and the physical senses.
Symbolism of Muladhara in Leela
The Muladhara row of the Leela board reflects the primal lessons we must encounter and integrate before progressing to higher states of consciousness:
Square | Name | Meaning |
1 | Genesis (Janma) | Birth, beginning, origin |
2 | Illusion (Maya) | The illusion of material reality |
3 | Anger (Krodh) | Instinctual anger and survival fears |
4 | Greed (Lobh) | Desire for accumulation, insecurity |
5 | Physical Plane (Bhu-Loka) | Earthly, bodily existence |
6 | Delusion (Moha) | Deep emotional attachment |
7 | Conceit (Mada) | Ego and pride, arrogance |
8 | Avarice (Matsarya) | Envy, competition, dissatisfaction |
9 | Sensual Plane (Kama-Loka) | Desire and sensory enjoyment |
These states aren't inherently negative—they're fundamental human experiences that provide powerful growth opportunities.
Key Insights from Muladhara
Muladhara is about recognizing and transcending our instinctual drives. Initially, life at the root chakra is dominated by survival instincts and reactions rooted in fear and insecurity. Spiritual awakening begins when we acknowledge these instincts, understanding them as natural but learning not to be controlled by them.
Lessons of Muladhara:
- Grounding: Learn to stay connected and present in your physical reality.
- Security: Explore your relationship to security—how does fear affect your choices?
- Awareness of Illusion: Begin to distinguish between the transient (Maya) and the eternal truth within.
Reflective Exercise: Muladhara Meditation
Take a few moments to center yourself:
Sit comfortably on the ground or a chair, feeling your feet or base firmly planted.
Close your eyes, inhale deeply, and exhale slowly.
Visualize roots extending from the base of your spine or your feet, deep into the earth.
As you inhale, imagine drawing stability and strength up from these roots. As you exhale, release fear and tension into the earth.
Silently repeat the Muladhara affirmation:
"I am grounded. I am safe. I belong here."
Do this practice for 5–10 minutes daily to cultivate stability and peace.
Journal Prompt for Muladhara:
- What makes me feel secure or insecure in my life right now?
- When have instincts or fear-based reactions influenced my decisions lately?
- How can I cultivate a deeper sense of grounding and stability?
Moving Forward in the Game
The Root Chakra is a vital step in self-discovery, laying a stable foundation for spiritual growth. By integrating these primal lessons, you prepare yourself for the emotional and creative energies of the Sacral Chakra—Svadhisthana.
Chakra Series Navigation
Current Position
- Current Chakra: Muladhara (Root Chakra)
- Current Square: 1-9
- Previous: Introduction to Leela
- Next: Svadhisthana Chakra
The Complete Journey Through Chakras
Muladhara (Root Chakra) - Current
- Grounding and survival
- First chakra of the journey
- Foundation of spiritual growth
- Contains squares 1-9
- Desire, creativity, and emotions
- Second chakra of awakening
- Realm of fantasy and pleasure
- Contains squares 10-18
Manipura (Solar Plexus Chakra)
- Personal power and action
- Third chakra of transformation
- Theater of karma and will
- Contains squares 19-27
- Love, compassion, and balance
- Fourth chakra of harmony
- Bridge between physical and spiritual
- Contains squares 28-36
- Communication and self-expression
- Fifth chakra of truth
- Realm of authentic voice
- Contains squares 37-45
- Intuition and inner clarity
- Sixth chakra of insight
- Seat of spiritual vision
- Contains squares 46-54
- Unity and spiritual liberation
- Seventh chakra of enlightenment
- Gateway to cosmic consciousness
- Contains squares 55-63
Beyond Chakras: Cosmic Consciousness
- Transcendence and ultimate reality
- Beyond the seven chakras
- Union with the absolute
- Contains squares 64-72
Progress Through the Game
- Current Position: Muladhara Chakra
- Squares Completed: 0/9
- Next Chakra: Svadhisthana
- Total Progress: 1/8 Chakras
Roll the dice, embrace the wisdom of Muladhara, and step forward in your spiritual journey with courage and clarity.